High power, ultrashort pulsed lasers offer great potential in the field of medicine either directly as a surgical tool or in advanced manufacturing processes enabling novel medical device fabrication. Picosecond pulsed lasers offer significant advantages for high precision, minimally invasive surgery over existing techniques. We are investigating enhanced surgery on the delicate, critical structures of the body allowing more complete removal of invasive diseases (such as cancers) whilst avoiding severe complications and preserving function. Additionally, we are applying our photonics manufacturing expertise to the development of complimentary medical device technology for imaging, diagnosis and therapy.

PreCisE: A Precision laser scalpel for Cancer diagnostics and Eradication

Collaborators: Prof. Robert Thomson (HWU), Prof. David Jayne, Dr Ryan Matthew, Dr James Moor, (University of Leeds) Renishaw Plc, Coherent Scotland Ltd

Project Details

“Mechanically-intelligent” Intra-operative Tissue Assessment for Robot-Assisted Surgery (MIRAS)

Collaborators: Dr Yuhang Chen (PI), Mr Hugh Paterson (UoE), Prof. Bob Reuben, Mr Daniel Good (UoE), CMR Surgical, and IntelliPalp DX.

Project Details